Blair Kranson MD

Blair S Kranson MD


7320 Woodlake Ave, Ste 395
 West Hills, CA 91307-1496

Brillant Connections


Patient Education

Blair Kranson would like to be your partner in health care. Feel free to ask your questions and share your concerns with us. We will work with you to develop a wellness program for the care and treatment you need.

We welcome you to our practice and look forward to caring for you.

Blair Kranson provides a full range of medical services including the following:


Acne is a common condition that causes blocked pores, pimples, cysts and other lesions on the skin of the face, neck, chest, back, shoulders and upper arms. Although teenagers are often affected, adults of any age can suffer from acne. Acne is not life-threatening, but can lead to physical disfigurement and emotional distress. There are several effective treatment methods that improve the skin's appearance and prevent future breakouts. ...


Age Spots

Age spots, also known as brown spots, liver spots and solar lentigines, are a common sign of aging. Flat, oval areas of pigmentation, age spots tend to appear on parts of the body, such as the face, hands, arms, shoulders and feet, that are exposed to the sun. Most common in people older than 40, they can be freckle-sized or more than a half-inch in length, and range in color from light brown to black. When age spots are grouped together, they appear even larger. ...


Alopecia Areata

Alopecia areata, commonly known as alopecia, is an autoimmune disease that results in hair loss. Alopecia is caused when the body's immune system attacks the cells in hair follicles, because it mistakenly perceives them as invaders. In most cases, hair falls out in only a few small, round patches but, in some cases, alopecia causes a total loss of hair on the scalp (alopecia areata totalis) or a complete loss of hair everywhere on the body (alopecia areata universalis). ...


BOTOX® Cosmetic

BOTOX® Cosmetic is a prescription drug that, when injected, temporarily paralyzes muscles. It contains a purified and safe form of botulinum toxin A, which is produced by the microbe that causes botulism. Manufactured by Allergan, Inc., it is used to treat permanent furrows and deep wrinkles in the skin that are formed by the continual contraction of facial muscles. In addition to its cosmetic applications, it is used to treat a number of medical problems, including excessive sweating, overactive bladder, neck spasms, crossed eyes, chronic back and jaw pain, and migraines. ...


BOTOX® Cosmetic FAQs

BOTOX® Cosmetic is a prescription drug that, when injected, temporarily paralyzes muscles. BOTOX Cosmetic injections treat moderate-to-severe facial lines and wrinkles that are formed by continual muscle contraction. Treatment with BOTOX Cosmetic is the most popular physician-performed nonsurgical cosmetic procedure in the United States. ...


Chemical Peels

Chemical peels remove damaged outer layers of skin to make skin smoother, reduce scarring and remove blemishes. Ranging from mild to strong, there are three types of chemical peels: alphahydroxy acid (AHA), trichloroacetic acid (TCA) and phenol. The strength of each peel is tailored to the patient. Peels can be combined with other procedures, such as facelifts, for additional improvement to skin. Chemical peels may be covered by insurance if they are performed for medical rather than cosmetic reasons. ...



Eczema is a common skin disorder that manifests itself as itchy skin and a red rash; it is particularly common in infants and young children. Eczema most often develops as a result of an allergic reaction, or an immune-system malfunction. It can cause irritation and inflammation anywhere on the body, but is especially prevalent on the face, the insides of the arms, and behind the knees. In infants with eczema, the scalp is frequently affected. ...


JUVÉDERM® XC Injectable Gel

JUVÉDERM® XC injectable gel is a U.S. Food and Drug Administration-approved dermal filler that, according to its manufacturer, Allergan, Inc., is designed to "temporarily treat moderate to severe facial wrinkles and folds such as nasolabial folds" in people older than 21. Unlike the original JUVÉDERM injectable gel, JUVÉDERM XC is infused with lidocaine to make its injection more comfortable. ...


LATISSE® Treatment for Eyelashes

LATISSE® eyelash enhancer is the first and only U.S. Food and Drug Administration-approved cosmetic treatment for increasing the length, thickness and darkness of eyelashes. Available only through prescription, it is applied once a day to the base of the upper eyelashes. Results may be apparent within four weeks; full results take sixteen weeks. ...



Microdermabrasion is a minimally invasive skin-exfoliation procedure designed to treat sun damage, scars, wrinkles and hyperpigmentation. In addition to its cosmetic benefits, microdermabrasion helps to enhance circulation and lymph flow. Results are immediately visible, and there is no downtime for the patient, who can immediately resume regular activities. Performed in-office, microdermabrasion does not require anesthesia, and can be combined with other procedures such as chemical peels or laser treatment. ...


Mohs Surgery

Mohs micrographic surgery is a safe and effective treatment for skin cancer. During Mohs surgery, cancerous tissue is removed in small sections. While the patient waits, a pathologist examines each tissue specimen for malignant cells. If malignant cells are found, more tissue is removed until the cancer is eradicated. This comprehensive microscopic examination helps to target only cancerous tissue, significantly reducing damage to healthy surrounding tissue. Developed by Frederic E. Mohs, M.D., in the 1930s, Mohs surgery excises not only the visible tumor, but any "roots" extending beneath the surface of the skin. Five-year cure rates of up to 99 percent for first-time cancers and 95 percent for recurring cancers have been documented. ...



Psoriasis is a common, chronic skin condition. The result of a rapid buildup of skin cells, psoriasis causes red, raised, dry and cracked scaly patches, and even blisters, to form on the skin. In some cases, psoriasis affects the fingernails, causing yellowing and small depressions. Psoriasis can be mild, moderate or severe, and, in most cases, causes itching and burning in affected areas or skin. ...


Restylane® Injectable Gel

U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA)-approved Restylane® injectable gel is a cosmetic "filler" that contains hyaluronic acid (HA), a natural substance that is found in the body. HA gives volume and elasticity to the skin, but as the body ages, HA levels decrease, resulting in loose skin and wrinkling. When injected, Restylane gel is designed to plump the skin beneath lines and wrinkles, smoothing them out and making them less noticeable. ...



Rosacea is a common, chronic skin condition that affects up to 10 percent of the population, although many people are unaware that they have it. It usually affects the face, causing redness and the formation of small, pus-filled bumps similar to acne, and, like other skin conditions, can cause emotional distress for the sufferer. Rosacea typically affects fair-skinned women between 30 and 60 years of age. It can first appear during menopause, and is more prevalent in people with a family history of the condition. Although rosacea is a chronic condition that cannot be cured, there are several treatments available to relieve its symptoms and prevent flareups. ...


Skin Cancer

Skin cancer, which is the most common form of cancer in the United States, is the result of the abnormal growth of skin cells. Cancer can affect skin anywhere on the body, but most frequently appears on skin that is exposed to the sun. There are more than a million new cases of skin cancer in the United States each year. Although most cases of skin cancer can be successfully treated, it is still important to keep skin safe and healthy and try to prevent this disease. ...


Skin Tags

A skin tag (acrochordon) is a small, soft piece of flesh-colored or dark tissue that is attached to the surface of the skin by a connecting "stalk." Most skin tags develop over time, although some people are born with them. Skin tags typically affect people who are overweight, have diabetes, or are older than 40. ...


Spider Veins

Spider veins (telangiectasias) are small, thin blood vessels visible beneath the skin. They usually develop on the face or legs, and may look like a series of thin tree branches or strands of a spider web. Although most spider veins are only a cosmetic issue, for some people they can cause uncomfortable symptoms such as aching, burning, swelling and leg-cramping. ...



Vitiligo is a skin condition caused by progressive depigmentation; it presents as white patches on the skin. Although any part of the body can be affected, vitiligo is usually found on the face, elbows, knees, hands, feet, genitals and upper thighs. When the scalp is affected, the hair growing on the vitiligo patch is white. Vitiligo can also affect the chin or eyelid, in which case the lashes or beard become white. The texture of the depigmented skin is not altered and the condition is not painful, although the affected skin may be much more sensitive to the sun. ...


Wrinkles and Fine Lines

Wrinkles and fine lines, an inevitable part of aging, can make a person look old, sad, angry or tired. To look younger and/or more refreshed, many people who have wrinkles and fine lines seek treatment. Fortunately, there are countless options, including creams, dermal fillers, peels, laser treatments and surgery, for improving the look of the skin. ...



An abscess is a tender mass on a specific area of the body caused by bacterial infection. It presents as a painful swelling, pink to red in color, warm or hot to the touch. Abscesses often appear on the head and neck, limbs, torso, and are especially common in moist sites on the body such as the armpits or groin. They may also develop internally at the site of a recent operation, or, occasionally, for no apparent reason. Most often, surgical abscess drainage is necessary for successful treatment. ...


Abscess Drainage

An abscess is a mass caused by a bacterial infection; it forms when a cavity fills with pus, which is a combination of dead tissue, white blood cells and bacteria. Although an abscess can develop anywhere (sometimes as a postsurgical complication), moist areas such as the armpits, groin, tailbone region (pilonidal cyst) and mouth (dental abscess) are particularly susceptible. Although some drain on their own, many abscesses require medical intervention. ...


Accutane® Treatment

Acne can be unsightly and painful. In addition to taking a physical toll, it can result in poor self-esteem and, even, depression. Accutane® capsules, with an active ingredient of isotretinoin, are a potent, highly effective option for clearing even the most stubborn acne. For more than 20 years, Accutane therapy has successfully treated severe nodular acne. The small Accutane capsules are taken orally, in several courses of 4 to 6 months each. ...


Acne FAQs

Acne is a common condition that causes blocked pores, pimples, cysts and other lesions on the skin of the face, neck, chest, back, shoulders and upper arms. There are several effective treatment methods available to help improve the appearance of the skin and prevent future acne breakouts.

Do only teenagers get acne?

Although teenagers often get acne, it can affect adults of any age. ...


Acne Extractions

Acne is a common condition that causes pimples, cysts and other lesions to develop on the skin of the face, neck, chest, back, shoulders and upper arms. Acne is caused by clogged sebaceous glands, which can lead to blocked pores. Acne develops on the skin when the pores become clogged, as a result of an overproduction of oil. When oil builds up in the hair follicle it forms a soft plug that forces the follicle wall to bulge and protrude from the skin, causing a lesion to develop. ...


Acne Scars

Acne is a common condition that causes blocked pores, pimples, cysts and other lesions on the skin. While it is most common in teenagers, acne can affect people of all ages, most often appearing on the face, neck, chest, back, shoulders and upper arms. ...


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